Ant colony optimization in network function virtualization - Resource allocation

Master Thesis
Tsoumanis, George
Rouskas, AggelosΡούσκας, Άγγελος
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
ACO ; Ant colony optimization ; NFV ; Netwrok function virtualization ; Resource allocation ; VNF ; Virtual netwrok functionΠερίληψη
This project has been proposed from my teacher in order to provide a really state of the art solution in the fields of Telecommunications. We studied about Network Function Virtualization and we found that a part of the Resource Allocation (many have involved in this subject) can be tackled with an algorithm that was first invented to solve graphical problems (such as the Travel Salesman Problem [TSP]) the Ant Colony Optimization. We have analyzed one of the three phases of the Resource Allocation, and we have decided to tackle the second one. To be more precise, this part takes for granted the other two phases, and it tries to find which combination between links and nodes is the best according to the cost function that someone defines. Our scope was to set as cost functions the minimization of the delay. The results of this project are more than desirable. This is because we have used a metaheuristic algorithm that can find about 90% of the optimal solution without searching the hole environment.