Ο νέος κανονισμός για την εκπομπή οξειδίων του θείου (Marpol An.VI-2020) και η επίδραση στη βιωσιμότητα της ναυτιλίας
The new regulation regarding the sulphur emission (Marpol An. VI-2020) and the impact on the sustainability of shipping

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Marpol ; Sulphur ; 2020 ; Scrubbers ; LNG ; Low sulphur fuel oil 0.5% ; Annex VI ; Regulation 14Abstract
In respect to the continuous effort for the protection of the environment, new legislation regarding the reduction of ships’ sulphur emissions has been introduced. Within the year 2008, the Marpol Annex VI (Regulation 14) was reviewed and new sulphur emission limits were set. Since 2012, the new global sulphur limit is 3.5% m/m while within the year 2020 the limit will be 0.5% m/m.
The aim of this thesis is to present the new legislation regarding the sulphur emissions and the consequences of the new limits on the sustainability of shipping. Shipping companies in 2020 will have to choose among the use of low sulphur fuel oil (0.5%), if it’s available, or alternative fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the scrubber installation. Choices considerably increase their cost. Furthermore, the creation of the new fuel oil 0.5% sulphur content is a challenge for refineries having to apply new techniques within a short period of time. The shipping companies will have to select, according to their future goals, the best solution.
All the aforementioned issues will be investigated, so that all the advantages and disadvantages of the various solutions, being available at the shipping industry, will be mentioned.