Διοίκηση ανθρώπινων πόρων και εργασιακή ικανοποίηση: μελέτη περίπτωσης Δημόσιου Οργανισμού
Human resource management and job satisfaction: a public organization case study
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Διοίκηση ανθρωπίνων πόρων ; Ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα ; Εργασιακή ικανοποίηση ; Προγραμματισμός ; Προσέλκυση ανθρωπίνων πόρων ; Πληροφοριακά συστήματα διοίκησης ; Αξιολόγηση ; Πολιτική αμοιβών ; Ανάπτυξη ανθρωπίνων πόρων ; Εργασιακές σχέσειςAbstract
Modern businesses operate in a particularly unstable and competitive environment due to globalization, the economic crisis and developments in technology. These businesses face constant changes and challenges, opportunities and threats. Thus, they aim at achieving the goals they have set through the use of the productive resources they have at their disposal. The differentiating factor between businesses, however, is not the equipment or technology they possess, but their human resources, which can be turned into strategic assets through the use of the right policies.
Given the crucial importance of work in human life, it is perceived how necessary it is for employees to be satisfied with their work since they spend most of their time there on a daily basis, as they meet their needs and determine their social status.
This research paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter includes an introduction to the importance of human resources to a business and the two-way relationship that develops, as employee performance depends on the job satisfaction they receive.
In the second chapter we refer to Human Resources Management and its objectives, its importance and the important role it plays in a business, leading the business to strong reflections on the constant changes that take place in its environment and creating its competitive advantage through the capabilities of its human capital.
In the third chapter, we highlight how Human Resources Management can become effective through its operations so that it can contribute to the achievement of its corporate goals. Through work scheduling, though attracting and selecting competent staff, through evaluating and rewarding performance, and through the development of communication channels, Human Resource Management can set the foundation for an efficient and effective work environment.
In the fourth chapter, we highlight the ability of Human Resource Management to create an atmosphere of commitment and confidence for its employees. With the total of all practices and policies that Human Resource Management is able to implement, it can inspire, motivate, reward, educate and develop its staff so that, while creating a fair and safe work environment, it can satisfy its human capital by driving it to constantly improve its performance, thus, making him proud of his work.
In the fifth chapter, the case study of a public organization is presented. Initially, a description of the organization we chose is given, indicating its path and focusing on the fact of its closing and reopening, its presence in the field of Mass Media, the organizational chart and the functions of the organization’s Human Resources Department, as well as the factors from which employees can obtain job satisfaction by comparing the situation before its closing and after it reopened. We, then, present our research methodology, which includes our research process and sampling method, the structure of the questionnaire we used and our research questions.
In the sixth chapter we present the results of the empirical research that emerged from the statistical processing of the answers given, which are then analyzed and compared.
The seventh chapter outlines the findings of the statistical research and literature review and makes proposals for future research. The paper is completed with the bibliography and the annex, which includes the survey questionnaire.