The operational cost of marine insurance and P & I Clubs as a parametre in the total cost of a maritime company
Το διαχειριστικό κόστος της ναυτικής ασφάλισης και των P & I Clubs ως παράμετρος του συνολικού κόστους της ναυτιλιακής επιχείρησης

Master Thesis
Venieratou, Theodora Ino
Βενιεράτου, Θεοδώρα - Ινώ
Βλάχος, ΓεώργιοςView/ Open
Ναυτική ασφάλιση ; P & I ClubsAbstract
Marine insurance covers the economic damage caused by the loss or damage of ships, cargo, terminals, and any other kind of damage that may arise from the shipping activity.
The operators of traditional marine insurance are Lloyd's of London, brokers, the Insurers 'Institute of London (I.L.U), the International Insurance Association (I.U.A) and other insurers' Associations.Traditional insurance covers the ship and its equipment (Hull & Machinery). Τhere is alsο Cargo Insurance that covers the cargo of the ship.
"Protection & Indemnity" insurance covers third party claims against unpredictable "open risks". It is provided by the "Protection and Indemnity Clubs" (P & I Clubs) on a non- profit basis.
The 13 P & I Clubs have joined the International Group Agreement (IGA) as members of a larger group.
The cost of a shipping company is divided into four main categories:
(1) Operating costs (14% of total cost) including: a) crew costs b) stores - consumables c) maintenance and repair d) insurance e) administrative. (2) Maintenance costs (dry docking and ship inspections, reaching the percentage of 4% of the total cost). (3) Travel costs (40%) including fuel, port charges, channel fees, cargo-handling costs. (4) Cost of capital (42%) including purchase of the ship, periodic payments to investors or bankers). Crew expenses constitute the largest share in operating costs (over 50%), while the insurance cost (H & M + P & Iclubs) is less than 10%.
- The insurance costs are higher as percentage regarding larger ships.
- H & M insurance is usually higher than that in P & I clubs.
Factors that increase premiums independently are:
- The age of a ship, the type of the ship (cruise ships, tankers) and the size of the ship, piracy, fear of terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
Factors that reduce premiums as percentage of the total cost are changes in demand. When demand increases, we have an increase in total costs and a reduction in premiums as percentage of the total cost. Also, the increase in the availability of capital for investment results into increase the offer for supply of insurance products from
multiptle sources and thus reduce premiums.
The cost of participation in P & I clubs is additionally influenced by regulatory provisions such as the MARPOL Convention, which were introduced after accidents that caused a great deal of pollution. They initially increased the premiums, but then stabilized followed by a decrease, due to the reduction of accidents and generally of "insurance cases".