Παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν την εργασιακή ικανοποίηση του νοσηλευτικού προσωπικού – Περίπτωση μελέτης: σύγκριση ιδιωτικού και δημοσίου νοσοκομείου
Factors affecting employee satisfaction among the nursing staff – Case study: a comparison between a private and a public hospital
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Εργασιακή ικανοποίηση ; Νοσηλευτές ; Δημόσια νοσοκομεία ; Ιδιωτικά νοσοκομεία ; Αποδοτικότητα ; Παρακίνηση ; Επαγγελματική εξουθένωσηAbstract
The purpose of this study is to search up to which extent a series of factors can affect the medical workers’ job satisfaction either in the public or in the private sector.
In the present project a quantitative research has been carried out with the use of a research tool – Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS). The quota sample is 50 nurses working in a public hospital and 50 nurses working in a private hospital relatively.
All in all, the disatisfaction of the medical workers is apparent mostly in sectors where the JSS is important; wages, promotion prospects, administrative supervision, extra benefits, financial reward based on efficiency, functional conditions, relationship with other colleagues the nature of work and communication with an exception of the medical workers of a public hospital who are content with their salary.
The private hospital outweighs the public one regarding communication, slighty promotions and a bit more supervision satisfaction. In both hospitals bureaucracy and conflicts in interpersonal relations are obvious as well as the people’s love for their work since they all realise the importance of their vocation which is public service.
The specific survey is one of those which go deep into a whole of factors which affect the medical workers’ job satisfaction who work in both the public and the private sector. This study can be a useful and important approach for the Human Resource Management so as to design a series of policies aiming at the medical workers’ job satisafaction in both the public and the private sector.