Mobile device forensics: guidelines, analysis and tools

Master Thesis
Γεωργοκίτσος, Κωνσταντίνος
Νταντογιάν, ΧριστόφοροςΠροβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Analysis ; Digital evidence ; Forensics ; Tools ; Preservation ; Data acquisition ; Instant messaging ; Android forensics ; Instant messenger forensics ; Mobile forensicsΠερίληψη
Mobile device forensics is the science of recovering digital evidence from mobile device
under forensically sound conditions using accepted methods. Mobile device forensics is an
evolving specialty in the field of digital forensics and there is an increase in the number of
mobile device forensics (MoDeFo) tools for proper recovery and speedy analysis of data present
on mobile devices. Scope of this thesis is to provide an in-depth look into the technologies
involved and their relationship to mobile device forensic procedures, the challenges associated
while carrying forensic analysis and to elaborate various forensic analysis techniques and tools.
This document also discusses procedures for the preservation, acquisition, examination, analysis,
and reporting of digital information on mobile devices as part of forensic analysis procedures.