Blockchain ethereum private network

Master Thesis
Μιχαήλ, Ιωάννης
Michail, Ioannis
Λαμπρινουδάκης, ΚωνσταντίνοςΠροβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Ethereum ; Αυθεντικοποίηση μέσω smart contract ; Blockchain ; Smart contracts ; Κατανεμημένα συστήματα ; Distributed applications ; Blockchain technologyΠερίληψη
Throughout the history of mankind, trusted relationships have played a vital part in every
transaction humans have made. Those transactions belong to a spectrum that starts from
everyday life decisions and acts, to a more complex, sensitive and wide area that even nations
are involved.
Before the era of globalization of telecommunications that we live in, achieving trust was
more related to human relations. Even though that the meaning of trust is known to all, it is
hard to find a definition that strictly describes it.
Trust is multidimensional, multidisciplinary and multifaceted concept. Many definitions can
be found in literature and are related to notions as goodness, strength, reliability, integrity,
ability or character of a person or thing. A trust relationship involves two parties, a trustor
and a trustee. The trustor is the person that holds confidence, belief on the reliability of
another person or thing which is the other party, the trustee. (Zheng & Valtteri Niemi,
Towards User Driven Trust Modeling and Management, 2009)
How though trust is established in modern computer networks, where the notions of the
trustor and trustee are not represented by strictly humans, but from entities that might never
have had a relationship upon the trust can be build.
In this project we will study the achievement of trust in traditional kinds of networks such as
ad-hoc, mobile and wireless and we will examine the ability to elevate the trust level in a
computer network using the under development and mostly promising blockchain network.
The network is going to be setup as a private blockchain network, where all the nodes that
consist it, will be pre-set from an administrative team. The computers that will participate will
have all the requirements in order to connect to the private network running as services on
The application will run on each node and on starting the application the very first check will
be to start the node and connect to the network. Only if the network has been found and the
node is connected to it, the application proceeds with checking the presence of web3js and
only after successfully checking the communication of the web3js with the network, the user
is prompt with the login page.
The authorization of the user is checked upon a smart contract on the blockchain network
and after a successfully prompt from the smart contract, the credentials are checked, in our
case, on a fake backend where a JWT token is issued to the user in order to use the application
depending on the role that he has.