Αναδιοργάνωση ανεξάρτητων (αλλά συνδεόμενων) οργανωτικών μονάδων: η περίπτωση των στρατιωτικών πρατηρίων
Re-organization of independent (but associated) organizational units: the case of military supply stations
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Οικονομίες κλίμακας ; SWOT analysis ; Αναδιοργάνωση ; Στρατιωτικά πρατήρια ; Σουπερμάρκετ ; Scale economics ; Reorganization ; Military stores ; Super marketsAbstract
Business reorganization is the result of a corporate strategy decision that, in pursuit of specific organizational changes, will have a positive impact on the company's financial results. The redesign of the business process aims at reviewing the way of working and operating, as well as in restructuring the production and the goods offered, in order to better serve the customers, reduce operating costs and enhance international competitiveness. Business reorganization is usually deemed necessary because of the dynamic conditions that can not normally be predicted, which prevail in each business environment in which each financial institution operates.
In this work we will deal with retail business. Retail is considered the sale of some goods to consumers through the shops, natural or electronic (e-shop). However, this should be seen as a much wider activity. Retail is the sale of goods and services to the final consumer for personal, family or household use and not for resale.
This thesis presents the case of the Military Service Stations, which provide services for the needs of both the Military Units and the beneficiaries (its customers) without using state budget expenditures. Military Service Stations located in the province are smaller of the big ones (ie EKEMS, PON and SEPA). The idea of integrating all military outlets, either administratively or only in the field of supplies, with the aim of achieving economies of scale, saving staff and rationalizing supplier management, has long been the objective without having been done.
This paper presents the disadvantages and advantages of these and proposes solutions to enhance their operation and improve their financial results.