Διερεύνηση και ανάλυση καθοριστικών στρατηγικών πλεονεκτημάτων ναυτιλιακών εταιριών. Εμπειρική ανάλυση περίπτωσης τμημάτων repair brokers

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Εμπορική ναυτιλία ; Ναυπηγική ; Στρατηγικός σχεδιασμός ; Commercial shipping ; Repair broker ; Strategic advantageAbstract
The purpose of this thesis is the presentation and documentation of the term Repair Broker in shipping industry and most specific in the Greek region. What makes the Repair Broker necessary, how he accomplishes it and why he is essential for the shipping companies, were the main questions that arose. The data and strategic benefits of Repair Broker were searched and investigated through 3 interviews of companies currently active in this field. The thesis goes back to the past since the commercial beginning of shipping industry in Greece and ends up to modern times. The terms of broker and yard are analyzed as well as the strategic management that was used. The qualitative method was applied, which is ideal for investigating the attitudes, the experience of individuals and the subjective meanings that constitute it, always focusing on the wider context in which it is related to. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that the Technical Brokers are the link connecting Ship Owners – Managers to Shipyards. The technical broker has the expertise, the know-how, the experience, the acquaintances and all the appropriate means to serve his customer with excellent service, speed, high quality of work at the lowest cost.