Malware analysis & C2 covert channels

Master Thesis
Liakopoulos, Nikolaos
Λιακόπουλος, Νικόλαος
Κάτσικας, ΣωκράτηςΠροβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Malware ; Malicious software ; Static analysis ; Dynamic analysis ; CovertΠερίληψη
In the internal network of a large organization, there may be a large
number of security measures or products in place, such as antivirus,
Intrusion Prevention/Detection Systems (IPDS), Firewalls, security patch
management, etc., and there is still some malware, mostly APT threats,
that goes undetected.
One of the activities that malware will conduct is “phone home”,
to either fetch updates and instructions from the remote Command and
Control (C&C) servers, or send back stolen information. It is challenging,
but also may be proven fruitful to proactively detect these malware
phone-home activities. But before that, an analyst must be aware of the
most common techniques which were used in order for attackers to
exfiltrate data through these channels.
The first part of this thesis covers tools and techniques for malware
analysis and reverse engineering, as well as the setup and
documentation of a basic lab environment.
The second part focuses on analyzing and documenting core
techniques and attributes of known Command and Control channels for
Malware communication (C2 channels) and examines implementations
of such covert channels through common computer network protocols.
In the final part, we propose and develop a covert data exfiltration
method based on established techniques.