Διερεύνηση κοινωνικοοικονομικών ανισοτήτων στη νοσηρότητα βάσει αναδρομικών στοιχείων της έρευνας SHARELIFE
Exploration of socio-economic inequalities in morbidity using SHARELIFE data
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Νοσηρότητα ; Λογιστική παλινδρόμηση ; Κοινωνική ανισότηταAbstract
The main aim of the present dissertation is to investigate the correlation of social and economic inequalities and their effect on the morbidity of 50+ people, based on retrospective data from the SHARE survey. First, a description of the terms of social and economic classification is presented, and then follows a description of what is considered morbid nowadays and what is the relation of health to the quality of life of individuals. Subsequently, some key facts about health systems in Europe are listed. Data from the SHARE study are used to assess possible link between morbidity and socio-economic factors, using logistic regression models and SPSS. The findings indicate a direct correlation of economic and social factors with the morbidity of individuals aged 50 or higher.