Voyage optimization and post voyage analysis in VLCC market
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Routing ; Πλοία ; Δρομολόγηση πλοίου ; Ανάλυση ταξιδιών ; Voyage optimization ; Ενεργειακή απόδοσηAbstract
Low chartering fares, fluctuating fuel prices, tougher environmental regulations and expec-tations for greenhouse gas emissions make the current situation particularly critical for the shipping industry. In this context, interest in solutions to reduce fuel consumption has in-creased in recent years, coupled with technological improvements in ship energy efficiency. This work aims to contribute to the knowledge needed to reduce fuel consumption from shipping. This is achieved by focusing on the application of voyage optimization technolo-gies and how to design a ship's course. This work is centered on the ship as an energy sys-tem and on the contribution of travel planning to its energy efficiency through minimizing fuel consumption and safer navigation. Economic aspects and technical aspects (such as ship maintenance and docking) are not unknown but are not the focus of this dissertation.
In the first chapter we will do an introduction defining the concept of optimizing the voy-age and presenting a historical retrospective. Next, we will define the carbon footprint con-cept and the main performance indicators for the ship's efficiency (SEEMP, EEDI and EEOI). In the second chapter we will highlight the need for optimization and describe the factors that influence the calculation of the optimal route for the ship.
With the help of previous researches, in the third chapter we will analyze all the facts and we will emphasize why it is important to optimize the route of a vessel before the depar-ture and during sailing, both for the business and for the operational side.
In the second part, we will describe the operation and methodology of Vessel Voyage Opti-mization Solution (VVOS) computation system. Then we will list all the data we have col-lected from a Greek shipowning company from past trips of 10 VLCCs. In last chapter, we will analyze all the data that came from the survey on these voyages and come up with a conclusive chapter, comparing the overall benefits of using these programs to optimize voyage.