Ο οικονομικός αλφαβητισμός των φαρμακοποιών
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Οικονομικός αλφαβητισμός ; Φαρμακοβιομηχανία ; Σύστημα υγείας ; Φαρμακοποιοί ; Μεθοδολογία έρευναςAbstract
Financial illiteracy is a major social issue, especially in countries, where citizens have
no experience of the current liberalism on the context of globalised financial systems.
Therefore, insufficient knowledge of financial concepts has attracted the interest of
goverments, enterprises, public and private organisations. As a result, recently, in the
middle of the most serious fiscal and financial crisis of the last decades, greek people
as citizents, professionals and enterpreneurs of every age had to understand new
concepts. Given the above and also the new reality of the greek economy, we
considered the asessment of the level of financial literacy of greek pharmacists and
the analysis of the related factors. A structured questionaire was used, in order to
study our hypothesis. The results show that the majority of greek pharmacists
demonstrate low, or middle level of financial literacy, but the ones who are involved
in financial reporting of their activities, tend to have a higher level of economic
literacy than their coleagues.