Business plan δημιουργίας μικρής μονάδας παροχής υπηρεσιών υγείας
Business plan for a small startup healthcare unit

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Επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο ; Πρωτοβάθμια φροντίδα υγείας ; Κέντρο πρωτοβάθμιας περίθαλψης ; Πολυιατρεία ; Business plan ; Primary health care ; Primary health care center ; PolyclinicAbstract
Modern societies are characterized by high expectations for medical care, which, undoubtedly, lead to a better quality of life. Primary health care (PHC) is the cornerstone of an integrated health care system in a modern state and is the first civic point of contact with the health system. The importance of the system lies on the improvement of the population’s health and on the efficient exploitation of available funding. In our country, especially in urban centers, the lack of a unified and organized PHC system has resulted to a fragmentary coverage of the citizens health needs. The malfunctions of the public health services, leave fertile ground for private initiatives and business ideas.
This study aims at composing a well-built business plan for the operation of a small primary health care center. A business plan is a detailed layout of a business idea and it is a necessary step that needs to be completed before any implementation of the idea it describes. It is a tool that would provide the businessman with an argument to convince potential sponsors.
Positive Health will become an urban center of primary health care, putting forward a different approach of the health services emphasizing on new technologies. The efficiency of the specific idea will be evaluated through careful analysis of the internal structures, the marketing plan, the operational framework, the required funds and the anticipated profits.