Ανάλυση ιδιωτικού κλάδου υπηρεσιών υγείας στην Ελλάδα
Analysis of private health services in Greece
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Δαπάνες υγείας ; ΕΟΠΥΥ ; Υπηρεσίες υγείας ; Προσφορά και ζήτηση ; Δείκτες συγκέντρωσης ; ΟΟΣΑ ; Χρηματοοικονομική ανάλυση ; Αριθμοδείκτες ; Health expenditures ; National Organization for the Provision of Health Services ; Rebate ; Clawback ; Health services ; Supply and demand ; Concentration ratio ; OECD ; Financial analysis ; Financial ratios ; Porter analysis ; SWOT analysisAbstract
This study was elaborated to reflect the current situation of the private health services sector in the Greek market and to examine the prospects of the industry.
In the theoretical overview of the subject (Chapters 1-8) there is a reference to the concept of the health system and its characteristics as well as to the characteristics of the health system in Greece. Thereinafter are specifically analyzed the characteristics of the private health care sector, the institutional framework governing the sector and the cost distinction.
In chapter 3, the determinants of demand factors for health services are mentioned, while in the fourth chapter a reference is made to the offer of health services both in personal level and also related to infrastructure and medical equipment.
Continuing, in chapter 5, a reference is made to the structure and organization of the private health services sector as well as to the market shares of either companies or business groups.
Following, in chapter 6 was considered appropriate to dedicate a part of the thesis to private health services of OECD countries and also to the health systems of some specific EU countries in order to compare with the domestic market of private health sector.
The seventh chapter focuses on the presentation of the four listed business groups operating in the health service providers sector and in the eighth chapter is carried out the theoretical approach of the ratios, the tool with which the financial analysis of listed groups of an industry is performed. In the research part of the thesis, chapter 9, is conducted a financial analysis for Groups: Iaso, Hygeia, Iatriko and Euromedica using financial ratios. The choice of these groups was made due to the fact that they are listed on the Athens Stock Exchange. The study covers the years between 2008 and 2014. The results are not so satisfactory for the private health sector, since he is particularly affected due to the economic recession in Greece.
At the final chapters of the thesis, is carried out a Porter analysis to study the micro-environment, and a Swot analysis, to study the internal and external environment of the private health sector.
These are two important tools for a complete study of a sector of the economy because Porter analysis helps each firm in the industry to combine the factors of the micro-environment in order to make advantage over its competitors and the Swot analysis helps each company when is going to decide in relation to the targets set or how to achieve them.