Το διεθνές θεσμικό πλαίσιο τηλεπικοινωνίας των πλοίων και οι πρακτικές επιπτώσεις του στην ασφάλεια της ζωής, ναυσιπλοΐας και προστασίας του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος

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Ναυτικό δίκαιο ; Πλοία ; Θαλάσσια ασφάλεια ; Διεθνείς συμβάσεις ; Νηογνώμονες ; Τηλεπικοινωνίες ; Ελληνόκτητη ναυτιλίαAbstract
Every ship has to be safe and secure for its crew and for the environment. The
progress of the technology of electronics was a big opportunity for the optimization of
the living conditions of the crew of the ship. The communication of a seaman with his
company or his family is easier than ever. Nowadays new conventions are introduced,
but if they were introduced earlier, hundreds of lives may have been saved in the past.
Now all ships are equipped with the minimum required equipment that is needed to sail
within their specified working areas. Now it is possible for every ship to communicate
with another ship or shore station to avoid a collusion or ask for help after an incident.
Response time is less than ever. Shipping industry and the environment are safer than