Άμεσες ξένες επενδύσεις στην Τουρκία
Foreign direct investments in Turkey

Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Λέξεις κλειδιά
Άμεσες ξένες επενδύσεις ; Τουρκία ; Πολυεθνικές εταιρείες ; Ελλάδα ; Foreign direct investments ; Turkey ; Multinational companies ; GreeceΠερίληψη
The strategic decision of a multinational company to invest in a foreign country, is the
result of the combination of multiple factors. The current economic, social and political
conditions, require more careful planning of the strategic moves from the side of the
multinational companies, as well as the creation of ideal conditions for the attraction of these
investments from the side of the countries, since their benefits and importance have acquired
even greater value in our days for the healthy development of both businesses and domestic
economies, conclusion derived from numerous studies and surveys that have taken place. From
the review of the international editorial it is realized that the factors that the multinational
companies take into consideration before they proceed to a foreign direct investment are
numerous and interrelated. Every sector of the economy that can become the recipient of the
relevant investment, presents specific characteristics that each government much give serious
consideration during the formulation of its national policy.
Turkey's economy shows certain peculiarities of attracting foreign direct investment. Up
to 1995 because of fierce Muslims that prevailed in political and social life of the country,
Turkey was an unknown, closed economy, for most European market. Trade relations of Turkey
by then usually limited to trade mainly with Asian countries and with Arab states. Since 1995,
Turkey began internationalizes the economy and trying through openness to attract investors to
the country.
. It is characteristic that after the crisis of 2001, the FDI made in Turkey are increasing.
Followed by a slight decline in their intensity in the years 2010 and 2011 due to the global
financial crisis but from 2012 onwards FDI have continued to rise.
There are several reasons why investors choose Turkey to invest their funds. First is the
geographical position of the country which is very close to Europe. Second, it is the low
production cost, which is due to low wages and low employment overall labor costs. Finally, an
important role is played by the high deposit rates, which give the country's banks and the tax
system and favors investment.