Αποτελεσματική διοίκηση - λειτουργική διαχείριση λιμένων και λιμενικών επενδύσεων σε περιφερειακό επίπεδο : η περίπτωση της Aνατολικής Kεντρικής Ελλάδος

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Λιμάνια ; Λιμενικές Αρχές ; Διοίκηση και διαχείριση λιμένων ; Λιμάνια -- Διοίκηση και οργάνωση ; Port ; Port Authority ; Port governanceAbstract
In this MSc thesis, a new governance model of Greek ports is proposed. Furthermore, a pilot
implementation of this model in East Central Greece is analyzed and presented.
The analysis of the Greek port system shows that in Greece there is a large number of port
facilities (more than 1068), and many Port Authorities (97). The Port Authorities operate under
different institutional frameworks and are ranked in four categories, the following: Port
Authorities S.A., Governmental Port Funds, Governmental Port Offices, and Municipal Port
Funds. Still, a lot of port facilities do not have an institutional administration.
The four basic functions of the port authorities (landlord, regulator, operator and manager of
the community) and the responsibilities related to them are analyzed on a theoretical level,
separated them on actions, introducing five tasks for each action (Planning, design,
consultation, implementation and controlling). The proposed model divides the port authorities
in two levels A and B. Port Authority of level A will be responsible for planning and controlling
mainly, as a public body and the Port Authority of level B will be responsible for design and
implementation as a private body, to make the system more competitive. All the stakeholders
are involved at the consultation task. The possibility, that the Port Facilities been managed by
concessions is also available.
The region of the East-Central Greece is consisted of Thessaly’s coastline in the north, and the
east coastline of Central Greece in the south. In the North part of East-Central Greece, many
port facilities are without institutional administration. In contrast, in the South part of the same
region, small port funds have already been unified successfully under one Port Authority. The
implementation of the model we propose, in combination with the organization of sectoral port
networks (commercial, short sea shipping - ferries, cruise, yachting), will strengthen these
sectors, solve the existing problems, and reinforce the potential of the country.