Διαχείρηση ανθρωπίνου δυναμικού : μελέτη περίπτωσης εταιρείας πετρελαιοειδών
Human resource management : case study of petroleum company
Ανθρώπινo δυναμικό ; Επιλογή προσωπικού ; Πετρελαιοειδή ; Human resources ; Recruitment ; PetroleumAbstract
Businesses and generally all types of organizations are staffed and managed by people. Without people, there are no companies. By extension, the employees are the most decisive factor of production to function and achieve the objectives of a business.
In this paper we tried to present all possible theories, actions and programs within the framework of Human Resource Management who can lead a company at an early stage, the correct selection of staff and then to the proper planning and proper management within the business, in order business to have the maximum results.
All this work was an attempt this paper to be as comprehensible as it was possible without tiring details. We hope that this effort will be useful to the reader who wishes to understand the Human Resources always according to what the dictating modern times.