Η εργασιακή κινητικότητα και ο παράγοντας της γλώσσας στην Ε.Ε.
Labor mobility and the language factor in the EU

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Εργασιακή κινητικότηταKeywords
Οικονομική κρίση ; Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ; Ανεργία ; Γλώσσα ; Πολιτισμός ; Labor mobility ; Economic crisis ; European Union ; Unemployment ; Language ; CultureAbstract
This thesis aims to study the evolution of labor mobility within the European Union and to highlight the role of language in all its expressions. So we approached our subject upon the following parameters:
- Definition and interpretation of mobility
- The institutional framework of the European Union and its member states covering labor mobility
- The reasons that push people to move
- The trends regarding the profile of migrant workers
- Policies promoting labor mobility by EU as a whole, but also by the member states separately - The economic crisis and how it affected the phenomenon - The language factor
- The adequacy of language as a means of cultural adaptation to the new working and social environment
In conclusion, we come to the importance of labor mobility for a better and more competitive market, where the workforce is appropriately distributed, as it will reduce unemployment and strengthen the dynamics of the European Union. At the same time, language skills are a prerequisite to seek work abroad and as a result, the promotion of languages should be organized and instituted by the European Union. At this point, we emphasize the contribution of acquisition of the host country language so as the worker can be integrated into the new social and working environment.