Οργανωσιακή κουλτούρα & ηγετικά χαρακτηριστικά εργαζομένων : μία εφαρμογή στο χώρο της υγείας
Organisational culture & employee’s leadership characteristics : a case study in healthcare industry

Οργανωσιακή κουλτούραKeywords
Ηγεσία ; Μετασχηματιστική ηγεσία ; Συναλλακτική ηγεσία ; Ηγεσία προς αποφυγή ; Organisational culture ; Leadership ; Transformational leadership ; Transactional leadership ; Laisser-faireAbstract
Organisational Culture, as it shows crowd of researches, plays an important role in that adoption and exercise of effective leadership. The aim of present research is the investigation of forms of leadership that is adopted by the workers of the public and private hospitals in the region of Athens. At the same time the factors of organizational culture were investigated (competitiveness, social responsibility, supportiveness, innovation, emphasis on rewards, orientation in the output and stability) as well as the style of leadership (Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Laissez – faire) that prevail more in the hospitals of capital.
The relation of the two above variables (organizational culture and leadership) with social – demographic characteristics asking constituted an other field of research in the present research.
The sample for the the conduction of research is constituted by 105 workers in private and public hospitals of Athens, the questionnaires that were used were the Questionnaire of Organizational
Culture (Organisational Culture Profile – O.C.P.) of O’Reilly Chatman & Caldwell (1991) as well as the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire – M.L.Q. of Avolio and Bass (2004), while the statistical analysis conducted with the use of IBM SPSS 22 and Microsoft Excel 2010. The results of research confirmed that the basic inquiring affair that exists positive cross – correlation between the organizational culture and leadership.
Concretely it was realized that the sovereign style of leadership is Transformational leadership, which has statistically important positive relation with all the factors of organizational culture while the laisse faire leadership is almost no practiced by no means and does not have cross –
correlation with the factors of organizational culture. With regard to the Exchange form of leadership it was realized that the majority uses certain elements of this type (reward and energetic management) while it was observed statistically important relation with all the factors of organizational culture except the stability.
Finally the research is reported in certain restrictions with regard to the methodology that was followed and the mediocre sample as well as the organizational culture and leadership as intellectual buildings. Became in deed and certain proposals that prompt the conduct of future researches, as the conduction of research to bigger sample and in worldwide level.