Σύγχρονες εξελίξεις σε θέματα ασφάλειας ναυσιπλοΐας και προστασίας του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος σε διεθνές και ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο
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Ασφάλεια ναυσιπλοΐας ; Δ.Ν.Ο. ; Maritime safety ; Marine pollution prevention ; IMO ; E.U.Abstract
In the present thesis we analyze the modern developments in maritime safety and marine environmental protection at international and European level and more specifically during the period 2005-2014. Initially we refer to the background of international and European legislation which underlies the changes and developments of the decade under review. Then we present and analyze the international law and the role of the IMO as well as the role of the EU and the European legislation on the matter in question during the last decade. Through the above analysis we demonstrate the reasons and problems that arise and the two sides sometimes find it difficult to cooperate thus diverging. We proceed in a practical analysis of current accidents and their confrontation in the new, more stringent legislative framework. Finally we present with statistical elements and examples the remarkable reduction of accidents and pollution in recent years despite the differences and problems at the international, European and national level. Finally we move on the conclusions of our thesis which gravitate to an improved image of shipping in safety and protection of the marine environment highlighting the positive effects of the global legislative framework.