Διαχείριση εκτάκτων αναγκών στα νοσοκομεία του Εθνικού Συστήματος Υγείας

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Έκτακτες ανάγκες -- Αντιμετώπιση -- Ελλάδα ; Νοσοκομεία -- Ελλάδα ; Emergency management -- Greece ; Emergency management -- Planning ; Hospitals -- Greece ; Public hospitals -- GreeceAbstract
Since the beginning of our world people were exposed to various hazards - mainly natural ones. What is more, with the development of technology we are obliged to face new kinds of hazards the so-called technological ones; meaning the exceptional situations when a region or a place is not equipped to face the destruction caused by a certain hazard.
In Greece the General Secretariat for Civil Protections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for developing confrontation plans, always in cooperation with other public services such as the Ministry of Health whenever such hazards fall upon hospital units with patients unable to protect even themselves. Under the close instruction of the Ministry of Health and in the framework set by the general plan 'Perseus' for the encounter of fires, earthquakes, heatwaves, floods, terrorist threats, epidemics, technical problems, patients exposed to radiochemical factors and hospital infections. All Risk Management Systems are divided in two sections: prevention and application which include the following steps: planning, equipment, imposition control, personnel training and of course amelioration. In any case correct assessment and analysis of the degree of risk is vital. According to the research elaborated in hospitals of the National Health System (NHS) of Greece, most Greek hospitals are not yet fully capable of facing all of the dangers mentioned above. Moreover the fact that most Greek public hospitals are not managed by healthcare management specialists has led to the multiplication of problems as far as the application of programs and personnel training are concerned. Thesis' proposals for complete and successful crisis management are the following: setting concrete targets for all dangers to be encountered, immediate hire of permanent security technicians and labor doctors, upgrading the role of hygiene and security committees in all health units, re-evaluation of the legislative framework, correct architectural design of hospitals, setting financial motives and, constant training and up-to-date information of personnel.