Συγκριτική μελέτη εγκυμοσύνης και τοκετού γυναικών άνω και κάτω των 35 ετών και οικονομικές παράμετροι
Comparative study of pregnancy and labor in women above and below 35 years of age and economic parameters

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Εγκυμοσύνη ; Τοκετός ; Ιατρική περίθαλψη, Κόστος της ; Οικονομικά της υγείας ; Pregnancy ; Pregnancy in middle age ; Childbirth in middle age ; Obstetricks ; Medical care, Cost of ; Medical economicsAbstract
The role of women in modern societies has expanded during the last decades, leading to achieving pregnancy later in life. Therefore, it is of great lmportance to study the characterlstlcs of the pregnancy and labor of women above and below 35 years of age. The goal of this thesis was to examine the demographical and epidemiological characteristics of the sample used, as well as the maternal and neonatal morbidity rates and the need for hospitalization. Moreover, a presentation of the relative economic parameters of the public and private obstetrical health services has been deemed necessary, in order to determine whether there is a subsequent increase in costs. As a result, through this study, it becomes clear that there is a significant differentiation between the pregnancy and labor of women above and below 35 years of age, epidemiologically, as well as, economically.