Εξορθολογισμός στην παροχή υπηρεσιών υγειονομικής περίθαλψης
Rationing in health care

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Ιατρική περίθαλψη, Κόστος της ; Ιατρική περίθαλψη, Κόστος της -- Ελλάδα ; Medical care, Cost of ; Medical care, Cost of -- Greece ; Health care rationing ; Health care rationing -- GreeceAbstract
Public health systems, in developed industrialized countries, are confronted with viability problems. Although health expenditure constitutes a significant part of each country's G.D.P. (with a tendency το expand internationally), the attempts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare provision have not produced the expected economic results. In recent years, a number of researchers suggest the application of rationing measures in healthcare provision, as means to control and contain costs. In essence, rationing is a method to raise barriers in the supply of healthcare services in those cases where the demand for healthcare is not conceived sensible or rational. In practice this method determines what should be the total quantity of a certain service to be offered, to whom, with what cost and under which terms and conditions. The conclusions from the research findings for rationing in healthcare provision, conducted among cardiology patients in Greece, indicate that currently there are no such measures in force, or a need to be taken in the immediate future. The application of such measures is considered plausible only under certain preconditions since the fundamental principles of the Greek Public Health System constitute restraining factors. The findings also reveal, from the point of view of the experts interviewed, that the opinion of the citizens should be considered and that the most appropriate persons to take such decisions upon prioritization criteria, are the cardiology doctors. The most dominant priority setting criteria have been declared the patient's health condition and the expected benefit to the patient from the required therapeutic treatment.