Επαγγελματικές σχέσεις προσωπικού στο χώρο του νοσοκομείου: αξιολόγηση εργασιακών σχέσεων μεταξύ διοικητικού, ιατρικού και νοσηλευτικού προσωπικού: προτάσεις για βελτίωση των σχέσεων
Labour relations in the greek public hospital - proposals for improvement

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Νοσοκομεία -- Διοίκηση και οργάνωση ; Hospitals -- Administration ; Εργασιακές σχέσεις ; Labor relationsAbstract
Good labor environment should constitute the first priority of institutes that their product is based on the so called "work" factor of production. Consequently health services, such as hospitals, which are based mainly on specialized work, should be interested mainly on the labor environment relationships and the satisfaction of their workers. A health institution is the place where three different "cultures" are met, medical, nursing and administrative. Despite the fact that these cultures are substantially different, common culture in the hospital profits an institute or a team via the promotion of collaboration and efficiency, decreasing the uncertainty and increasing the confidence. Consequently, powerful relationships are created but it is also highly possible to appear intersectorial conflicts. By reviewing international bibliography, it becomes clear that indeed there are conflicts between the various sectors of personnel and mainly between medical and administrative personal or medical and nursing personnel. For this reason some measures and models are proposed in order to bridge the gap between the various sectors of personnel. From a questionnaire that was given in a sample of workers of hospital "TZANIO" Piraeus, it is realized that some kind of conflict is underlying, but of course not as strong as presented in the bibliography. Almost everyone answered that the improvement of professional relations would improve the services of the hospital. For this reason proposals have been made for the improvement of labor relations and operation of the hospital.