Το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό στο ελληνικό σύστημα υγείας: προγραμματισμός - διαχείριση - εκπαίδευση - ανάπτυξη
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Διοίκηση και οργάνωση προσωπικού ; Υγεία -- Ελλάδα ; Personnel management ; Health -- GreeceAbstract
Human resources possess a very important role in the production of sanitary services and in the exercise of efficient health policy. The working factor is the dominant surge of health systems, because they are systems of work intensity. The particularity and the complexity of sanitary sector, requires varied educated and trained human staff, in order to correspond to the criteria of efficient and effective use of financial resources and to the satisfaction of the demand for health services. This wide spectrum of specialties, high of knowledge and capabilities, is mainly constituted by doctors of various specialties and specializations, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, paramedic, administrative and special technical personnel, managers, economists and PC programmers. The development of human resources in Greece though, has been unorganized. That is because no central national planning has been materialized, nor any drawn policies that connect the health care system with the education system and counterbalance the offer of human resources with the demand of health services. It is observed an excessive supply of specialized doctors and at the same time an unequal geographic distribution of them, as well as, a lack of educated nursing staff and specialized administrative personnel. So a suitable planning of human potential is absent. Moreover there are problems in the development of primary health care and in the general medicine, as well as, weakness in the education system of health professions. Investments are imperative for the increase of the number of general doctors and nurses, for the development of primary health care, for the rearrangement of the health care education system, as well as, for the increase of employment for certain specialized categories of health professionals. Programming, planning, organization, administration and also equitable management are needed in order to find the necessary solutions for the problems of human resources in the health system.