Έξυπνη εξειδίκευση και περιφερική ανάπτυξη
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The following thesis aims to inform in detail about the importance of cooperation between universities and districts, under smart specialisation. The study methodology used, consists of article research, written mostly in English, and research in the official websites of the European Commission, regarding the topic. The first chapter quotes the definition of smart specialisation and explains its purpose in European and hence national basis. The second chapter, describes the utility of the Platfrom S3 in the proccess of developing strategies for smart growth. The third chapter, correlates the role of universities in smart growth opportunities at regional level. The fourth chapter, presents a case study, which describes the successful application of Smart Specialisation, including the part of the local Universities, as well as the unique specifications of the region. The fifth chapter, demonstrates the results of this thesis, where it becomes clear that there is a great need for consultation with a view to defining and implementing the most appropriate strategy, according to each region's potential (academic, business, geographical, social) to achieve maximum growth, keeping in mind that the stakeholders will have to cope with several obstacles by working together.