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dc.contributor.advisorΜπατζιάς, Φραγκίσκος
dc.contributor.authorΚωνσταντίνου, Ηλίας
dc.publisherΠανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώςel
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Διεθνές*
dc.subjectΘάλασσα -- Ρύπανσηel
dc.subjectΠετρελαϊκή ρύπανση της θάλασσαςel
dc.subjectMarine pollutionel
dc.subjectOil spills -- Controlel
dc.subjectOil pollution of the sea -- Controlel
dc.subjectOil pollution of the sea -- Preventionel
dc.titleDevelopment of information system for combating coastal pollution from liquid hydrocarbons with experimental and computational simulationel
dc.typeDoctoral Thesisel
dc.contributor.departmentΣχολή Ναυτιλίας και Βιομηχανίας. Tμήμα Βιομηχανικής Διοίκησης και Tεχνολογίαςel
dc.identifier.call341.7 ΚΩΝel
dc.description.abstractENIndustry of University of Piraeus. The focus of the Thesis has been to increase the knowledge regarding oil spill management and response. The project and the experiments were carried out from January 2009 to September 2014 as a part-time study during my employment at the Hellenic Coast Guard. The work has been conducted at Laboratory of Simulation of Industrial Processes of University of Piraeus. The general objective of the PhD project was to develop knowledge, methods and technologies for environmentally beneficial oil spill response strategies mainly in the contingency planning sector and in oil adsorption from novel biomass adsorbents. The PhD project consists of two parts: (I) theoretical; developing a new contingency plan for oil spill response as a part of an information system for combating coastal pollution from liquid hydrocarbons with experimental and computational simulation and (II) experimental; producing a novel oil adsorbent material from lignocellulosic biomass comparable to the commercial oil adsorbents materials.el

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