Η απήχηση των διαφημιστικών μηνυμάτων σε κινητά τηλέφωνα υποψηφίων πελατών
The influence of advertising messages in mobile telephones of candidate customers

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In our days, the companies seek continuously ways in order to rival other companies with same or resembling products. The companies select trough the publicity and the marketing they focus in the common objective so that they increase their profits. An emerging way of publicity is via mobile telephone, a method with a lot of advantages. This work is focused in the influence of consumers in this way of publicity and more specifically from young age individuals of 15-25 years, which are usually more receptive in new ideas. The main reason is the general change of society, economy, technology and more general we would say is the life and action of persons. This has as consequence which is the increase of competition, while in the past few years the companies tries to increase their share in the market, through various changes that they import so that they remain viable. Thus, it was created a general climate of change from the side of companies, so that they can find new ways via the publicity to attract the interest of consumers. From the side of consumers, was created the need for more qualitative purchases, where they are henceforth realized with bigger prudence concerning from the past. In this need, has contributed also the change of individuals because economic, technological but also and social changes that became in the past few year. The stimulus that accept the consumers are many, and also the choices that someone can have that it realizes his purchases are many. In our days, it has been created a new tendency where the individuals make their purchases via the internet, from their computer or mobile phone. This, in the abroad is used widely by the consumers and brings a huge income. In Greece, exists hesitancy from the consumers, while they prefers to make their purchases from the shop because they feel that are sure with their transactions. Also, the change of advertising from the enterprises creates new data in the way that approach the individuals. The advertisements trough sms and email are the new ways that are henceforth used and which attribute more profits in the enterprises. The advertisements are more objectives, concerning with the advertisements in the television, the radio, and the printed press. This, creates better relations with the consumers, while it is a bidirectional communication which is not static and can develop in the time. In the present inquiring effort, it is attempted the investigation of extent publicity through sms in national level but also in international. Also, an important gravity has been given, in the analysis of used methods from the side of enterprises, so that they approach the consumers. Taking all into consideration, it is attempted in this study thoroughly the opinion of individuals for this new way of advertising, but also other parameters that are related with the subject.