Η στρατηγική μιας ναυτιλιακής εταιρίας βασισμένη στη διακύμανση των ναυτιλιακών αγορών κατά την χρονική περίοδο 2001-2013
A shipping company's strategy based on the fluctuation of maritime markets during the period 2001-2013
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Εμπορική ναυτιλία ; Στρατηγικός σχεδιασμός ; Ναύλωση και ναύλος ; Merchant marine ; Shipping -- Economic aspects ; Shipping ; Strategic planningAbstract
This thesis studies the strategy of a shipping company based on the variance of the freight market during the period 2001-2013. In particular, emphasis is given in the evolution of the three main freight markets, namely the dry bulk, liquid bulk and containers markets during the analysis period, and the corresponding decisions on the part of owners to meet the demands of market both at times of flowering and at downturns. At the same time we consider all the factors that play a decisive role in the shaping of the freight market and the psychology of shipowners. Thus we see how the shipowners behave regarding their investment policy and whether they prefer to invest in the shipbuilding market or secondhand market. Finally, throughout the study process we present comments and observations regarding Lomar Shipping's investment decisions throughout the analyzed period.