Προς μια βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη των λιμένων στην Ευρώπη
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Λιμάνια -- Ευρώπη ; Λιμάνια -- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, χώρες της ; Περιβάλλον -- Διαχείριση ; Harbors -- Europe ; Harbors -- European Union countries ; Harbors -- Environmental aspects -- European Union countries ; Environmental policy -- European Union ; Sustainable developmentAbstract
The new developments in the harbor industry require the continuous effort of ports in order to become more competitive, so that they will ensure their share in the world trade. In this effort they are often confronted with an extensive and complicated legal framework aiming at the protection of the environment. The European Union, in collaboration with organizations such as the IMO, ESPO and UNFCCC, applies regulations and directives ensuring the sustainable development of ports, without minimizing the effectiveness and competitiveness of the port industry. Αn integrated maritime policy as well as a comprehensive strategy on transport based on a White Paper, provides the basis on which European ports will ensure sustainable performance, taking into full account social and environmental considerations, without compromising commercial viability.