Εργασιακό stess και εργασιακή ικανοποίηση. Μελέτη περίπτωσης Γ.Ν.Ν.Ι. Κωνσταντοπούλειο-Παράρτημα Καυτατζόγλου
Occupational stress and job satisfaction. Case study G.H.N.I. Konstantopouleio- Kautadgoglou Departement
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This study examines the case of job satisfaction and job stress in a health unit within the structure of IKA (Greek NHS) . Job satisfaction and stress are both factors that are specifically addressed in the international literature in recent years. It should be mentioned that job satisfaction affects the employee's performance,as well as the performance of the Organisation in general.
The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to a sample of 224 employees in the Organization. The results showed that a high level of dissatisfaction exists largely. It should be mentioned here that the economic recession has definitely a serious impact on the psychology of workers. Also, although there are ways to improve the administration sector, the fact that the reforms are a matter of political power, means that any administration improvement will be limited. It is easy yet deceiving to assume that the variables of this study are not related each other: by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnof and the Shapiro-Wilks test, we assume that all Negation Hypotheses are proved, thus there is no connection or correlation between the variables. Still, after performing the McNemar test, it is proved that all different variables, from different hypotheses, are actually related each other and that factors such as the education, age and position in the hospital hierarchy are directly related with variables such as the anxiety that an employee feels because of his job.