Η πρωτοβάθμια φροντίδα υγείας στην Ελλάδα και η αναγκαιότητα ανασυγκρότησής της
The primary health care system in Greece and the necessity of reconstruction

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Υπηρεσίες υγείας -- Ελλάδα ; Υπηρεσίες υγείας -- Διοίκηση και οργάνωση ; Health services -- Greece ; Health services administrationAbstract
The development of the primary health care system in Greece has followed diachronically the development line of the general health care system. Very important steps have been made, but it is not possible to endorse that this is a well-organized, structured and effective subsystem, similar to those functioning in other countries. It is generally accepted that the way of organization and management of the primary health care system are determinants of the economic efficiency of the general health care system and citizens' satisfaction too. This review aims to define heath and health services and present the importance of the primary health care regarding the general health system according to the declaration of Alma-Ata. Also, it presents the organizational, operational and financial framework of primary health care in other countries of OECD, such as Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, France and United States of America. In addition, after a qualitative analysis of documents, articles, scientific publications and legislative framework this review presents the historical development of the primary health care system in Greece from the establishing of NHS until today, the way of organizing, operating and financing and also the serious problems which this sector faces in our country. Finally, this review presents a new model of integrated health care which is based on the Primary Health Care Networks, on the institution of family doctor and on the global budget, in order to contribute to the rationalization of health expenditure, to ensure the viability of the system, to improve the provided health services and to satisfy the needs of citizens.