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In the era of technological and digital revolution, the Internet has become the most prevalent method of communication and information. Unlike the past, contemporary users have a wide range of devices at their disposal which they can surf the Internet with. This fact has redefined the manner websites are designed and built, given that developers are required to solve the problem of the content being displayed on different screens and screen resolutions to facilitate the provision of a positive browsing experience to users. The problem keeps growing with the fragmentation of different devices constantly increasing, in the same proportion as the number of users buying them due to their presently more affordable costs. In the present thesis, the investigation of the design and creation of a website employing state-of-the-art technologies, including HTML5, CSS3 and responsive design techniques is attempted, providing a viable solution to the aforementioned problem. The CosyLLab (Computer Supported Learning Engineering Lab, Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus) website implementation process, serving as proof of the responsive design concept, is also thoroughly delineated within the context of this thesis. The creation of this website is realized by tapping on Joomla, the renowned Content Management System, and the Gantry Framework (a complete set of modules ή building blocks for the development and implementation of a Joomla template), which integrates all the above mentioned technologies and techniques in alignment with contemporary design trends.