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dc.contributor.advisorΘεμιστοκλέους, Μαρίνος
dc.contributor.authorΤίγκας, Οδυσσέας Ι.
dc.subjectApplication software -- Development
dc.subjectMobile computing
dc.subjectSocial media
dc.subjectGeographic Information Systems
dc.titleCross platform mobile application for mobile devices with social media and geolocation services
dc.typeMaster Thesis
dc.identifier.call005.268 ΤΙΓ
dc.description.abstractENMost of the modern mobile devices manufacturers are using different operating systems. One of the manufacturers’ targets is to cover the needs of their users by providing a vast number of applications charged or not in an online market. The ability for the individual developers and the mobile applications developing organizations to make profit can be done by charging an application or adding advertisement modules in the code. There are two ways to develop mobile applications: The first way is the native way of programming and the second way is to develop an application in a cross platform fashion. The former way requires a specific IDE to use and a specific programming language in order to develop applications, while the later way is using web techniques such as the web browser of the mobile device and web based languages like java script, html, and CSS. The issue that developers have to address is to develop applications for more than one platform in order to avoid the fragmentation of the mobile operating systems. The cross platform developing can solve this issue with an efficient and economical way. Organizations associated with mobile developing require specialized staff for every platform with the native way, unlike the second way in which the code is common for all platforms. In addition, it is very useful to develop in a cross platform fashion because the target group of users is specific but the type of the devices they use may differ. Finally with the cross platform fashion the developing time and the cost are reduced. In this postgraduate thesis project it is going to illustrate the latest cross platform tools and compare them to export useful conclusions about their advantages and disadvantages. Next it is going to suggest a cross platform tool in order to build an application step by step, using social media and geolocation services.

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