Ανακύκλωση πλοίων

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Ναυπηγική βιομηχανία ; Πλοία -- Διάλυση ; Πλοία -- Περιβαλλοντικές απόψεις ; Ανακύκλωση (Απόβλητα, κλπ.)Abstract
The purpose of this thesis is the analysis of ship recycling industry. Aim of this particular study will also be to analyze the institutional framework that governs the ship recycling, while special focus is in implemented in the environmental dimension and consequences of this particular operation. Furthermore this paper displays the current tendencies in ship recycling operation and the main questions arising from the international conventions and regulations.
The first chapter is a brief presentation of the dismantling procedures in ship recycling industry and lists the risks in both environmental and social level throughout the recycling operation.
The second chapter covers the current tendencies in ship recycling, and displays the geographical distribution of the recycling market and the major countries involved in it.
The third chapter analyzes the international framework governing the recycling of ships. This chapter also refers to the actions of international organizations such as IMO and non-governmental organizations in order the ship be recycling performed in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
The fourth chapter displays the latest developments in ship recycling industry and analyzes how these developments affect the market.
The findings of this thesis will constitute as a base for further research and the proposals in this chapter aim to improve the environmental policy and legislation of ship recycling industry.