Οικονομική μοντελοποίηση ελληνικών ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών εισηγμένων στο NASDAQ (έτη 2009 – 2013)
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Ναυτιλία -- Οικονομικές απόψεις ; Ναυτιλιακές επιχειρήσεις ; Ναυτιλιακή διαχείριση ; Χρηματοοικονομική λογιστικήAbstract
The purpose of this essay is to examine the Greek-owned shipping companies listed in NASDAQ. After a short look of the index the past five years, every company will be examined separately. Also we will use the information abstracted by the market. The
market, examined in depth, is the dry bulk as the majority of the companies listed in NASDAQ are involved in it. The suggested methods are the same the analysts use to evaluate a commercial enterprise due to lack of specialised ones for the shipping
sector. The main tools for this thesis are: the main financial indices, the matrixes Space and Marakon, the CHS and Zeta models for the examination of a potential bankruptcy, the SWOT analysis and the Free Cash Flow Model. The Peer Group
analysis is the main tool for the comparison between the companies.