Παρακίνηση του ιατρικού και νοσηλευτικού προσωπικού των μονάδων υγείας. Προτάσεις βελτίωσης της ποιότητας των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών: περίπτωση Νοσοκοκομείου «ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΑ».
Motivation of medical and nursing personnel of units of health. Suggestions for the improvement of the quality of provided services: case ¨ALEXANDRA¨ hospital.

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Δημόσια υγεία -- Ελλάδα ; Επαγγελματική ικανοποίηση ; Εργασία και εργαζόμενοι -- Παρακίνηση ; Hospital -- Greece -- Employees ; Medical personnel -- GreeceAbstract
The present thesis aims at the investigation of the degree of satisfaction of medical and nursing personnel in the G.Η.A. “Alexandra” and the finding of the suitable ways of motivation that will lead to the increase of productivity and the efficiency of the employees and, finally, to the improvement of quality of the provided health services. Firstly, the classical theories for the motivation of employees are mentioned, such as the theories of Maslow, Herzberg and McClelland, as well as the incentives and the programs that are used in order for the personnel to be individually or massively motivated. Afterwards, it is given emphasis to the importance of medical and nursing personnel of hospitals, as well as to the work conditions in the public hospitals. In addition, various ways of motivation of public employees are related, especially to health professionals. Furthermore, a comparison of the motivational methods between public and private hospitals is made in this thesis. Moreover, various definitions concerning the significance of job satisfaction are referred, as well as further analysis according to medical and nursing personnel is made. Another significant point is the way that the job satisfaction is measured and the factors that contribute to its increase. Particular interest show the suggestions for the improvement of the quality of provided health services, by putting control systems and evaluating the medical and nursing personnel in hospitals. Τhe motivation of employees is an important factor, that increases their productivity and their efficiency. Last but not least, the research which was carried out in the General Hospital of Athens “Alexandra” during May - June 2012 is presented. More specifically, the methodology used to carry out the research, is introduced. To be more precise, a structured questionnaire was distributed to medical and nursing personnel, which was modified according to the needs of this specific hospital. After the above procedure, a processing of the results of the questionnaire was carried out via percentage analysis and diagrammatic depiction. Then, these results were compared with the results of other similar researches. In the end of the research, there were presented various methods for the improvement of personnel’s satisfaction and the increase of its productivity. The results of the present research are addressed to the Professor of the Obstetrical and Gynecological Clinic as well as to the Nursing Department of the hospital, that are charged with the supervision and development of personnel and with the normal operation of the hospital. Finally, the exported results are given with the prospect that will contribute to the effort of further coverage of health professionals’ needs. As a result, the provided services of the hospital will be further improved in the future.