Ο κοινοβουλευτικός έλεγχος στον τομέα της υγείας: ερευνητικά ευρήματα από την περίοδο 2006-2010.
Parliamentary control in health sector: research findings for the period 2006 – 2010.
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Πολιτική υγείας -- Ελλάδα ; Ελλάδα -- Βουλή ; Εθνικό Σύστημα Υγείας (Ελλάδα) ; Δημόσια υγεία -- Ποιοτικός έλεγχοςAbstract
Since Greece is universally considered the cradle of democracy, the Greek Parliament is undoubtedly the pinnacle of democratic institutions. The Greek Parliament exercises its competencies, the Legislative Work and Parliamentary Control, in accordance with the provisions of its Regulation and the Constitution. The Constitution is the Charter of the country, ensuring through its provisions, both Civil rights and obligations of the State. According to the Constitution, the protection of Health is a guaranteed right of Citizens and the State is required to ensure it. However, although nowadays, compared to the past, the health of the population of Greece has considerably improved, the dissatisfaction of Citizens about the Health System is recorded intense, since it is full of failures under which, questions on equality, functionality and effectiveness are raised. The identification and management of Health System shortcomings is performed at many different levels of control, on top of which stands the Parliamentary Control. Therefore, the Parliamentary Control is the highest level of control of the country, where all the previously unmanaged shortcomings of the Health System are gathered.
The combination of the above triggered the preparation of this thesis. It is a specialized and original research on the Parliamentary Control in Health Sector, which was based on one thousand and twenty-two (1022) Means of Parliamentary Control, submitted to the Greek Parliament, during the period 2006 to 2010, with Ministry of reference the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The processing and analysis of survey data was conducted with the SPSS statistical analysis program and their classification under the International Classification of Health Accounts of OECD. According to the research findings, the Parliamentarians who participated in the Parliamentary Control in Health Sector were “simple members' of the parliamentary groups, mainly the Opposition’s, representatives of large urban centers, mostly doctors, depositing primarily individually, Questions of national interest. The prevailing problems of the health sector emerged through the processes of Parliamentary Control, involved in Health administration and health insurance, Capital formation of health care provider institutions, Hospitals and General government financing, thus reflecting to a large extend the identified deficiencies of the Health Sector. Also, is noted, the identified “convergence of views” between the Parliamentarians of different parliamentary groups, as long as between the Parliamentarians and the Citizens, regarding the aforementioned problems. In addition, is noted the phenomenon of the repetition of the same problems in the Health sector, observed throughout the period of research and if taken into consideration with the recorded absence of substantial temporal improvement of the problems, important questions about effectiveness, efficiency and adequacy of the applied Health Policy, are raised. Furthermore, is underlined, the detected relationship, between the timing of National Elections and the recorded fluctuations in the Parliamentarians’ participation in the process of Parliamentary Control, as long as the type and range of content of the submitted Means of Parliamentary Control.