Διερεύνηση της ποιότητας των παρεχομένων υπηρεσιών σε ασθενείς με νεοπλασματική νόσο: Η περίπτωση του 6ου Θεραπευτηρίου ΙΚΑ ‘Γεώργιος Γεννηματάς’.
Research of quality of health services to cancer patients. The case of 6th Foundation’s of Social Security Hospital ‘Georgios Gennimatas.
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Ιατρική περίθαλψη -- Ελλάδα -- Ποιοτικός έλεγχος ; Δημόσια υγεία -- Ελλάδα -- Αξιολόγηση ; Ικανοποίηση ασθενών -- Ελλάδα ; ΚαρκίνοςAbstract
Recent years there is a constant effort mainly in developed countries, in order the patients’ opinions concerning matters of providing medical services to be assessed. The continuously increasing rate of medical expenses, mostly during the last decades, forced the developed countries to consider the matter of the provision of medical services under the cost and efficiency view. The result of the above was on the one hand the cost reduction and on the other hand the assessment of the providing services on the correct efficiency base. To the present project there has been an effort of counting the satisfaction of 100 cancer patients (59 men and 41 women) who had been hospitalized in the 6th Foundation’s of Social Security Hospital “Georgios Gennimatas” during the year 2010. The research has been conducted with an anonymous questionnaire of 42 questions (5 open type questions and 37 closed type questions) and the statistical analysis conducted based on the well known statistical package of Social Sciences (SPSS). The research finding had proved that the satisfaction for the hotel background was mild to good (30% - 49%) while for the medical and nursing care very good (50% - 82%). The conclusion, however, which goes out, is that despite the fact to the hospital in question the users – patients are quite satisfied (77%), the public hospitals, in general, provide bad medical services (70%), fact that creates concern and disappointment. For this reason, the interest of national total should be directed not only to patients’ satisfaction, but also in improving the quality of life. Undoubtedly, the combining efforts at local, medium and main level deemed necessary.