Δαπάνες υγείας στις χώρες του ΟΟΣΑ.
Health Expenditure in the OECD Countries.
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Οικονομικά της υγείας ; Medical economics ; Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ; Υγειονομική πολιτική ; Υγεία και υγιεινή -- Οικονομικές απόψειςAbstract
The health sector is considered a central point in the operation of a state.Its level is a measure of the living standards and civilization, public and private sector are cooperating for its proper function, its industry gives jobs to millions of people, while, in this field, numerous technological inventions find everyday practical application. At the same time , Health has unbreakable relations with the sensitive sector of supplies, where much corruption has been noticed.It is not coincidental then, that especially in our times of a world financial crisis, governments study and apply plans of expenditure cuts in the sensitive area of health. The goal of this thesis, is to find a relationship between health expenditures and the factors that affects it, in 25 OECD countries, like yearly patients’ discharges from hospitals per 100.000 inhabitants, the number of nurses per 1000 inhabitants, the number of beds per 1000 inhabitants, the number of magnetic resonance imaging units per million inhabitants, the public health expenditure and the expenditure on pharmaceuticals and other non-durables.The period of time that is studied is years 1980-2010 and concerns statistical figures publicised by OECD. Data analysis was conducted using the econometric model of Correlation Analysis with Panel Estimation, since this method is considered the most appropriate due to the presence of both longitudinal and panel data.