Ο ρόλος της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης στην Πρωτοβάθμια Φροντίδα Υγείας: το παράδειγμα του Δήμου Αιγάλεω.
The role of local self - government in Primary Health Care: the example of municipality of Egaleo.
Master Thesis
Αγαπίδης, Ιωάννης Σ.
2014-10-14View/ Open
Υπηρεσίες υγείας -- Ελλάδα ; Ελλάδα Πρόγραμμα "Καλλικράτης" ; Τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση -- Ελλάδα ; Πρωτοβάθμια φροντίδα υγείας -- ΕλλάδαAbstract
In our country the major reformation which is known as ‘’Kallikratis’’ is not a simple spatial differentiation of local self-government. It’s a radical reformation of Greek country through which the united central government subsides, assigning relevancies to sub-governmental entities, the self-governed peripheries. The latest won’t have autonomic relevancies, but they would be supplied with important relevancies concerning developmental and social issues. This is not a single phenomenon of change in Europe, but on the contrary in the European Union (EU) it is observed the last 20 years a strong tendency of constitutional reformation which aims to reinforce the role of self-government. This is also clear from the research performed for the present study regarding the organization of self-government in different countries of EU. Moreover, in the context of the present study we expanded our research with reference to primary health care (PHC) in the different health systems in EU. Independently from the organizational and functional peculiarities of the different health systems and the major principles of them, the system of PHC in all countries has as major goal, the prevention of disease and health promotion. The contemporary tendency is the generation of completed systems of PHC with regard to the demands of local society. In our country the reformation and the update of the system of PHC is really necessary due to social dissatisfaction and crucial stringency. This fact is also enforced from the research performed in the present study, in which with a questionary we worked out the provision of PHC services locally (Municipality of Egaleo) and the perceptions of the asked people for the effectiveness and care provision, through social security organizations. The participants of the study were dissatisfied from the health services provided from their social security organizations and as a result they used them only for prescription for medicines and in order to perform medical tests. Regarding the primary services provided by their municipality, it was found that the participants didn’t use them often and the majority of them believe that the level of the provided services isn’t satisfactory. They stated that it is crucial to employ medical personnel, ameliorate the waiting time of appointments, implement general practitioners (GPs) and different other issues. Our results, as it’s expected are in consistence with the general ascertainment for better organization of the services of PHC from the community and redistribution of the resources from the expensive and probably ineffective hospital care towards prevention and health promotion.