Ποιοτική και ποσοτική ανάλυση στραγγισμάτων από την βιολογική αποδόμηση απορριμμάτων του ΧΥΤΑ Δυτικής Αττικής

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The main purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the amount of leachate produced by the West Attica landfill, as well as the temporal evolution of their quality in relation to the annual rainfall. In order to investigate the above objects, a simulation of the interior of a landfill was conducted by using lysimeters. Two lysimeters were filled with refuse received by the West Attica landfill and with the aid of Mariotte containers, water was added to them, equal to the annual precipitation and in the form of sprawl. During the simulation, which lasted totally a period of one month, measurements were made on the quantity of leachate and samples of leachate were also taken for further quality analysis. Those analyses concerned physicochemical characteristics, organic compounds, minerals and also heavy metals. The quantitative analyses gave data on the rate of leachate production and the retention of precipitation, in the form of moisture, from the litter mass. The qualitative analyses which were carried out, gave valuable conclusions about the evolution of the qualitative composition of leachate from the particular landfill. The quality was directly connected to the decomposition phase in which the refuse was, as well as with its original composition. Hence, for example, high values of pH, Cl-, Na+, TS were reported, while, on the contrary, low concentrations were reported for example, on COD and heavy metals, with the exception of Fe. It is worth mentioning that there was a deviation of many measurements from the literature data, due to the high content of Greek waste on fermentable materials, as well as the absence of heavy metals such as Cr, Cd and Pb, confirming the origin of refuse, which is in its majority the residential sector. These measurements consist a valuable tool not only for the future design of such burial sites, but also for the measures that must be taken for the environmental protection mainly of groundwater aquifers adjacent to landfills.