Εφοδιασμός bulk cargo στην Ελλάδα : οικονομικά στοιχεία οργάνωσης και διαχείρισης των χύδην φορτίων

Master Thesis
Καλλιάφας, Δημήτριος
2012-03-19View/ Open
The bulk cargo market seems to be of the oldest and most important cargo markets in Greek shipping. Its importance is based on two fields. Basically is based on the great number of Greek islands and their need to be supplied as a fact of their development and prosperity. Additionally, it consists to a significant market among Greece and Mediterranean ports and Black Sea, in import and out port. The specific thesis will start with technical characteristics of the bulk market ships and also statistics of Greek and international fleet w2hich is related with Greek Shipping. Furthermore, we will analyze the types, the characteristics and the input and output region of bulk market. The next part will follow the procedure of the cargo transport arrangement from shipper premises to the loading port, the means, the difficulties, the loading way on board, and discharging at pot till final delivery. Additionally, we will proceed to a comparison of the methods which are used in Greece and worldwide, to mention advantages and disadvantages. We will refer also to the monitoring systems which are used for the while procedure. Continuously, we will refer to the economic data of the market, separately for the ships and the transportation cost to and from them. As far as the ships concerned we will mention the freight variation with statistic for Greece and Mediterranean and Black Sea ports. Also, we will review operational expenses fuel process variation, and their influence on the market and freight. The second part of the Charter will examine the economic data of the transportation from and to the ship comparing the cost among different means of transport basis on time and reliability of each method.