Spot pricing, dry vs wet, is there any bias : the shipowners' perspective = Τιμολόγηση ταξιδίου υγρού έναντι ξηρού φορτίου: υπάρχει σαφής προτίμηση : η θέση των πλοιοκτητών

Master Thesis
Τζιμπιμπάκης, Εμμανουήλ Ε.
2012-03-12View/ Open
Ναυτιλιακή οικονομική ; Bulk carrier cargo ships ; Tonnage ; Πλοία -- Οικονομικές απόψεις ; Τιμολόγηση ; Ναυλοσύμφωνα ; Ναύλωση και ναύλοςAbstract
Irrespectively of the type of cargo, owners must calculate the cost of transport, which is a sum of the daily running costs plus profit. The rise and fall of BDI and WORLDSCALE offer a view of the global market trends, mainly because they focus on the demand of raw materials. The tankers' market is more organized, while the dry cargo market due to the great variety of different cargoes and large number of charterers is more expanded. The presentation of the voyage estimations is showing us the way shipowners are acting in their trade.