Tanker Management Self Assessment (TMSA) : περιγραφή & επιπτώσεις στο κόστος των ναυτιλιακών εταιριών

Master Thesis
Τσιφιλιτάκου, Τασούλα
2009-11-18View/ Open
This essay deals with the TMSA programme (Tanker Management and Self Assessment), which was created by OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum), as a tool to help vessel operators to assess and improve their Management Systems. The primary objectives of OCIMF are the promotion of safety and prevention of pollution from tankers and at oil terminals. The TMSA programme, as presented in chapter 2 of this essay, offers tanker operators a tool to assess their own management system against some listed key performance indicator. The results of this assess can be used to develop an improvement plan basing on 4 stages, in order to achieve safety and environmental excellence. In chapter 3, there is a reference to the cost of a shipping company and an analysis of the various categories of cost, in order to enable to locate which type and sub-type of cost are more likely effected by tmsa implementation. Chapter 4, deals with the way that every cost category is effected by tmsa implementation, in relation to the requirements resulting by tmsa implementation. Finally, it ends up to the conclusion that compliance with TMSA requirements results to increment of Operating / Running Cost of a tanker owning /operator /manager company, however it is necessary to underline that benefits earned, are very significant, especially on long terms basis.