Η προσέγγιση των ελληνικών δήμων για την ενσωμάτωση των αρχών βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης στην στρατηγική τους
Greek municipalities’ approach to integration of sustainable development principles in their strategy

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Βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη ; Τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση ; Αειφορία ; Καλές πρακτικέςAbstract
The concepts of sustainability and sustainable development are increasingly encountered in international
literature, in scientific forums, as well as in domestic and international articles. They are often
misunderstood and used out of context, or they are not fully understood. This paper will develop the
above definitions and the pillars on which they are based and explain the cyclical model of economy
that is heading towards the gradual elimination of the linear model on which the economy has been
based since the industrial revolution.
This will be followed by a brief historical review of the legislative framework and strategies adopted by
the European Union and Greece to adapt to climate change and the challenges the transition to a more
sustainable economic model involves.
Local government and municipalities are the main actors in this transition towards sustainability. In
many municipalities worldwide and in Europe, Sustainable Development Strategies are already in place
and are being implemented with objectives and timetables.
This thesis will present strategies and good practices from different cities abroad without homogeneous
characteristics, namely London, Lisbon, Orlando in the United States and Singapore in Asia.
Subsequently, the way in which municipalities in our country are dealing with the transition to
sustainability will be analysed, specifically in the light of the environment, society and governance.
Are Greek municipalities following similar strategies to those abroad? What are the differences and
what challenges do they face?