Χάρτες της Ευρώπης, με έμφαση στο περιβάλλον και την ενέργεια
Maps of Europe, focusing on environment and energy

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Κλιματική αλλαγή ; Περιβάλλον ; Ενέργεια ; Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ; ΧάρτεςAbstract
In this paper, climate change and how it has affected the countries of the European Union is studied through maps of the environment and energy. The maps were created with data taken from Eurostat and then analysed through a Geographic Information System (GIS), more specifically ArcGIS Pro. In a first phase, the research addresses how climate change has affected ecosystems, citizens and governments in Europe, and then focuses on possible solutions to mitigate its effects. In addition, the paper refers to the importance that humans are taking place both in causing this phenomenon and in reducing the extremes that it causes, after analyzing the effects. It also becomes evident that certain groups of people are more vulnerable to the effects of the phenomenon and need special protection. All of the above information is complemented by a few examples both at global, European and national level, in order to give an idea of the magnitude of the phenomenon throughout its range. Finally, the data taken to create each map is analysed individually and the maps are presented as the results of the research with the conclusions drawn.