Διερεύνηση αδυναμιών συστημάτων ναυτικών επικοινωνιών στο φυσικό και ψηφιακό περιβάλλον λειτουργίας αυτών
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Διάδοση ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτινοβολίας ; GMDSS ; Δορυφορική ζεύξη ; Ασφάλεια ψηφιακών συστημάτωνAbstract
This work was prepared with the aim of identifying any weaknesses of the Maritime Communications systems in the Physical and Digital aspects of their function, meaning the two main fields that describe the operating environment of a modern vessel in the area of routine, risk and safety information exchange with land and the other ships.
The approach to the subject was carried out by examining the parameters related to the physical properties of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation in space, the limitations derived from the material and construction specificities of the ships, the advantages and disadvantages of satellite links in the marine environment and finally the human interaction in communications processes and hardware. The individual conclusions from the overview of each sector have been tried to be submitted collectively in the respective Chapter, in light of the interdependence they have both among themselves and in relation to the other functions of the ship.
Making proposals to permanently remove the weaknesses of ships' communications systems would be misguided and utopian, as problems in communications on the surface of the sea have existed, exist and will exist (at least for the foreseeable future). The proposals formulated in this paper have been oriented in the direction of trying to mitigate the consequences of these weaknesses with changes in the procedures and in the training of the human operator.